Teaching English in France for non-EU citizens

Before we begin, please note that Americans, Brits, Canadians, New Zealanders and nearly all non EU passport holders do NOT need any visa to come to France to do our 4 week TEFL course. You just come as a tourist for up to 3 months, as if you were visiting on holiday. Just pop over for 5 weeks?

Or stay for longer – 3 months still leaves you with 2 months after our course to travel and work online as you would if you were on vacation. Why not travel around and choose your dream French location for teaching English?

If you would like stay for more than 3 months and teach English in France and then read on. The basics:

  • You can only apply for visas while still in your home country, and it takes around 3 months for them to come through. Apply for the TEFL course now to get the ball rolling?
  • Most long stay visas mentioned below can be renewed without needing to go home
  • Since Brexit there has been a huge demand for native English speaking teachers in France
  • What follows is a guide, and may contain inacurracies. Visa rules vary from country to country, and change all the time.

Not sure if you need a visa?

Quick overview: Here’s how to get a long stay visa for France by being a student here

Can Brits and Americans teach English in France?

Yes, and here are the main ways:

1) Applying for the “VLS-TS Entrepreneur Independent Professional” visa

Apply for a 12 month visa by proposing a business as a  freelance English teacher. Note that you can apply for this visa if you are already in France on another visa.On the downside, you’ll need to show the French authorities that you have the equivalent of 21,000 euros  in your bank account, and

  • do our course to show France that you are serious about your project -apply here
  • submit a business plan (we can help you with this)
  • get the ball rolling as soon as possible as it can take 6 months for everything to come through. It’s all done through your nearest French consulate or embassy (google it)
  • For the complete list of what is needed see here

There is a lot of information about this here 

Convincing your local French consulate of your business plan shouldn’t be too hard to do if you are a native speaker of English, as these are now in very short supply due to Brexit. Doing our TEFL course in Toulouse is the heart of your business plan, so of course we’ll help you with the procedure.  You can get started here

2) Book an intensive French course in Toulouse, to start asap after our TEFL course ends

We work with  Langue Onze in a beautiful part the city centre. If you book 6 months of French with them, you get a 500euro cashback from us on your TEFL course once everything is paid for.

We also work with the Alliance Francaise whose courses are less expensive but they are not in the city centre. Both courses have a great social programme and good reviews. Just contact us and we will put you in touch with our contacts in both places.

Bear in mind that you should book for at least 6 months, and you can normally purchase more months when you are here without the need to return home.

You have French lessons every morning and so are free in the afternoons to teach English. You need to ask for a student visa which also allows you to work up to 20 hours a week. Of course both course providers above will help you with this.

Can I renew a student visa once I am in France?

Yes – usually. Once you have booked a minimum of 4 months of French courses (see above) then you can usually buy more and extend your visa once you are in Toulouse. But do check this with your local French consulate. Rules change all the time and it probably depends on your nationality.

What’s the cheapest student visa French course in Toulouse?

There are also 9-month courses at University Jean Jaures in Toulouse which are extremely well priced at only around 500e a YEAR but places are limited and courses begin every September only.
The application form appears online for a short time every year, usually in early January to early March. You can’t apply early or late because the app form page won’t be live. Here is a link which works at the time of writing this! https://defle.univ-tlse2.fr/home

The web page is rather unclear as it presumes that you know the exact French name of the course you want. So it may be best to email the contacts directly here https://defle.univ-tlse2.fr/accueil-actualites/le-defle/ladministration

Unfortunately they  have so many applications that they don’t have much time for enquiries.You might not hear if you have been accepted until May or later.

If you get accepted then you need to apply for our August course asap!

How do I combine a French course with my TEFL Toulouse course?

First of all you need to see our course dates and apply for our course to make sure we can accept you, before you make too many plans. All the course dates are on this application form.

Contact Langue Onze or Alliance Francaise (depending on your budget) to make sure they have a course running very soon after ours finishes.



The Alliance Francaise and Langue Onze are accustomed to the paperwork involved in you needing too arrive a month or more early to do the TEFL Toulouse course, it’s very important that you mention this to them.

When applying for a visa make sure with your local French consulate you get one that allows you to work for 20 hours a week while you are studying.

When you visa comes though, get on the plane and come to TEFL Toulouse!

Can Irish people do a TEFL course and then teach in France?

Yes, you don’t need to be looking at this page! Ireland is part of the EU, so you can just go ahead and apply here  and study, live and work in France with no restrictions. Well done Ireland for staying in the EU!

Can I get a working holiday visa to teach English in France?

Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders under 30 years old (35 for Canadians) benefit from “Working Holiday Visas” so can  easily come and teach English in France for a year and do it all legally. We have quite a few who come and do our 4 week TEFL course in Toulouse and then stay for 11 months or more! You just apply through your local French Consulate or Embassy. Here is the link. Just ask – we can put you in touch with people who have done this with us too.

Can Canadians teach English in France?

Yes, you can do our TEFL course and stay on and work! For Canadians who are under 35, the working holiday visa allows you to work on a contract and can be extended after a a year without going back to Canada! It seems that Canadians get it easier than anyone! Have a look at the Consulate General of France for more information about this visa.

Nicole riddell
Nicole Riddell a Canadian teacher of Young Learners in France. She came on a Working Holiday Visa

Can Australians teach English in France?

Yes, you can do our TEFL course and stay on and work! Australians have to be under 30 to be eligible for the working holiday visa, and unlike Canadians, their visas cannot be renewed in France. But Aussies can still come for a year to study and work on a contract! See Campus France for more info or here

Pat Anderson
Pat Anderson is an Australian teaching English in Toulouse after doing the TEFL Toulouse course. He came on a Working Holiday Visa

Can New Zealanders teach English in France?

Yes, and you can do our TEFL course and stay on and work! New Zealanders seem to be very welcome in France and work on a contract! We have had a lot of you over the years on our course.  The French Embassy NZ website has more information about this visa.

I’m too old for a working holiday visa. Can I still teach English in France?

Yes, but you will have to go for one of the student visa options above (ie study French here or start an English teaching business)

How did Brexit affect Brits teaching English in France?

As of Jan 1 2021 Britain was no longer part of the EU, so Brits became like Americans, only allowed to visit France for 90 out of any 180 day period, and not allowed to work here officially. Many Brits who already lived in France (such as Jonathan the director of TEFL Toulouse) already had French residency but for new arrivals it was “holidays only”.
However, in 2024, with the new Labour government, agreements will almost certainly be reached as both countries need each other’s workforce. One can easily imagine the introduction of one year extendable contracts for trained, native English speaking EFL teachers in exchange for the same rules for French chefs in Britain, for example. So you might want to get TEFL trained with us and then wait for the rules to relax!

If I do the TEFL Toulouse + student visa course, what sort of teaching work can I expect?

Foreign students enrolled in French institutions can work for 20 hours a week. Although this doesn’t sound like much, that is really not far from a full teaching timetable of contact (ie in class) hours. At around 25 euros an hour, 20 hours would make you 500 euros a week before tax.  Rents are quite low in Toulouse, eg 450 to 800e a month.

What if I pay for my TEFL course but then my visa is denied?

We provide a full refund of all you paid us minus a 50e admin fee upon written proof (by the visa issuing authority in question) of visa denial.

How about housing and bank accounts. Will TEFL Toulouse help me?

Of course. We can help with both of these things, and have a huge network of local ex trainees too.
Important note:

  1. Remember that visas can only be applied for in your home country, and you should leave at least 2 months for them to come through.
  2. Please check with your local French Consulate or Embassy for the latest information and rules
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